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By registering for this in person event, you:

1. Agree and consent to receive emails from BCAPOP.

2. Agree and consent to the following: 

    • Cancellation/Refund Policy: No refunds or cancellations. Substitutions are permitted. 

    • Media Release:  As part of its In-person activities, BCAPOP often publish photographs, videos, testimonials and interviews of BCAPOP attendees in their respective promotional materials and on their respective websites. 
        • BCAPOP hereby request your consent to the taking of photographs, videos, testimonials or interviews of BCAPOP attendees to be published in print, electronically or otherwise by the BCAPOP in their promotional materials, (including but not limited to brochures, bulletins, programs, flyers, etc.), on their respective websites and in provincial and local media sources (newspapers, websites, etc.) without payment or other consideration.
    • Registration Terms & Conditions: Registration is not complete until payment is received.

    3. Agree and consent to Health & Safety Protocols: 

      • Any & all Covid-19 health & safety protocols currently in place at the venue. 
      • Will not attend workshop if showing signs of illness, flu and/or Covid-19 symptoms on the day of the event.

    Disclaimer:  The opinions expressed, and the content presented during this event are those of the presenter(s), and do not necessarily reflect the opinions or views of BCAPOP. 

    BC Association of Pregnancy Outreach Programs

    Mailing Address:  230-1210 Summit Drive, #425  | Kamloops BC | V2C 6M1

    Website: | Email: | Main: 778-584-6147

    Charitable Registration Number: 82153 3072 RR0001

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